Once more the employees of Jóźwicki&Partners have joined a campaign aimed to raise funds for the purchase of art supplies for young patients of B. Krysiewicz Children’s Hospital in Poznań, to enable them produce their own hand-made greeting cards. The fund-raising event took place in the company’s registered office on November 2-24, 2017. Małgosia Podborowska was reappointed to act as a coordinator for this campaign. On November 30 all the supplies were delivered to the hospital by our smiling employees.
As our enthusiasm for charitable activities seems contagious, we were joined in this art supplies initiative by Medical Studio Design, which also provided promotional materials for the event. The arrival of the collected materials made the young patients, along with all these who take care of them, smile again.
Using this opportunity, we would like to thank them all for their expressions of gratitude we received. This has been a great honour for us and yet another incentive to make us believe such noble initiatives are well worth supporting!